Get involved in Grin’s community

Keybase Chat

The main place for real time and asynch communication. End to end encrypted, works over TOR, and supports command line. Grincoin team on keybase↗

Bi-weekly meetings

How to join

  1. Install and setup keybase.
  2. Join the grin community:
    • From the app: Select “Teams” » “Join a team” and then type “grincoin”
    • From the command line: keybase team request-access grincoin

Grin Forum

Longer form writing in the forum with the most comprehensive list of Grin & Mimblewimble related topics and thoughts:

Mailing List

Focused on development, the Mimblewimble mailing list↗ offers insight into the evolution of the protocol and some of the motivations behind the project’s design decisions.